Friday, January 28, 2011

Maplelag No Suit Sauna

This is a historical review of the Maplelag No Suit Sauna. This review comes from December 9th 2010. The old Sauna received a rebuild in summer 2010 and the reviewer was allowed to partake in the inaugural new old sauna session. This is a standard design wood fired outbuilding sauna with wood stoking coming from the changing room. Temps were very good on the inaugural night approaching about 190f. Snow rolling and swimming opportunities are just outside the door as long as the proprietor has cut the requsite hole in the ice. This Sauna has 3 benches allowing all to partake and those on top to get good heat. This Sauna has been featured in numerous midwest Sauna books (in the old incarnation) and has great historic feel. You are about 20 feet above little sugarbush lake when in the Sauna. On the second night we got it closer to 200 than 190f which was nice. All in all nice view and setting, good heat, and historic feel. A good historic but new Sauna. Watch for a review of the old Sauna from the archives soon. This Sauna receives the "Highly Recommended" rating for doing very well in all categories.

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